Hello world!

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13 thoughts on “Hello world!

  1. WELCOME! I can finally listen to you at home all day and not just the times I am in my car. Your music selection is the best, Look forward to hearing so much more from you. Thank you for venturing online.

  2. Thank you for bringing your eclectic mix of music to us! I especially love the dub! Listening all the way in South Korea! Keep the good tunes coming!

  3. Best radio on the air. Makes me dance often. Recently, I pulled over so I could record a snip of what you were playing. The beats are so fine! Reminds me of the old pirate stations out of NYC / Brooklyn.

  4. First heard you last year while scanning for anything listenable during a driving rainstorm.
    Thank for the audible rays of sunshine and thank you for going online.
    I will take you with me wherever I roam.

  5. Random finding of a new station – more than 100% better than all the other crap stations I can get in CR. I donโ€™t even have to listen to CBC anymore! Thanks. I know nothing about your station or where you are, but I will check back often and find out.

  6. So happy to find you today loud and clear playing all my favorites. Listening from Lund… So I guess we’re neighbors ๐Ÿ™‚ thank you, will be sure to keep so the FM dials tuned to dream!

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